Hooded raider threatened to stab Sunderland shop worker

Scott Humphreys.Scott Humphreys.
Scott Humphreys.
A hooded robber who pushed a lone shopworker to the ground and threatened to stab her during a terrifying raid has been put behind bars.

Scott Humphreys stormed into the Nisa store at Sevenoaks Avenue in Sunderland last Boxing Day, with his face partially covered by his hood, and warned "give me the money, get the ****** till open now".

Newcastle Crown Court heard the brave store worker told the 34-year-old to leave and tried to get him out of the shop.

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Prosecutor Lee Fish told the court: "Unfortunately matters turned slightly nastier.

"As she was ushering the defendant out of the shop there was a struggle where he pushed her to the ground.

"During the course of that, she is quite clear he shouted at her 'I will stab you, you *******, get that till open, get me that money'."

The court heard as the terrified worker retreated, Humphreys jumped on the counter and helped himself to packets of cigarettes, which he stuffed into his pockets and then left.

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Mr Fish added: "The defendant obviously knew she was working alone in the shop, that is quite clear from the fact he had been there earlier that day.

"This has potential to suggest she was targeted on the basis of vulnerability, namely a woman working alone in the shop."

The shop assistant said in a victim impact statement: "This incident has knocked my confidence.

"I am well known in the local community, I get on with everyone.

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"I am now a complete bag of nerves, even when the manager is with me."

Jamie Adams, defending, said Humphreys was in a "hopeless" state of mind at the time and is trying hard to change.

Humphreys, who appeared at the hearing via video link to prison, read a letter he had prepared for the judge.

He said: "The time in custody has given me a wake-up call to stop offending.

"This isn't the life for me.

"I am very sorry for what I did and I want my life back on track."

Humphreys, of Anvil Way, Kennet, Newmarket, Surrey, admitted robbery.

Judge Sarah Mallett sentenced him to 30 months behind bars.